Pada saat kamu-kamu lagi baca-baca artikel atau jurnal yang berbahasa inggris sering kali ketemu tulisan ini nich: " i.e." atau "e.g." nah lho apa tuch artinya???beda ga sich???trus kapan kita menggunakannya???
Nah disebuah situs di internet dijelaskan mengenai hal tersebut, begini penjelasannya:
i.e. dan e.g. merupakan singkatan Latin yang umum dan tidak perlu ditulis miring (Italic). Selain itu karena biasanya penggunaannya di antara kata-kata dalam sebuah kalimat maka biasanya tidak dituliskan dengan huruf kapital.
"i.e." kepanjangannya dalam Latin yaitu 'id est' yang dalam bahasa inggris sama artinya dengan "in other words," atau "it/that is." Sedangkan "e.g" berarti "for example" dan singkatan tersebut berasal dari "exempli gratia".
Contoh penggunaan i.e. dan e.g.:
1. Places to Concentrate:
I.E. (Id Est)
I'm going to the place where I work best, i.e., the coffee shop.
[There is only one place that I am claiming is best for my work. By using "i.e.", I am telling you I am about to specify it.]
E.G. (Exempli Gratia)
At the places where I work well, e.g., Starbucks, I have none of the distractions I have at home.
[There are lots of coffee shops I like, but Starbucks is the only international one, so it's the only "example" that would work.]
2. Helen and Her Siblings:
I.E. (Id Est)
The most beautiful human in Greek mythology, i.e., Leda's daughter Helen, may have had a unibrow, according to a 2009 book on Helen I'm reading.
[Helen, whose beauty launched the Trojan War, is considered the most beautiful woman from Greek mythology. There is no contender.]
E.G. (Exempli Gratia)
The children of Leda, e.g., Castor and Pollux, were born in pairs.
[The pair of boys, who are named Castor and Pollux, might be called twins, but it's not so clear about another set of Leda's offspring. Helen was said to have been hatched from an egg; Clytemnestra, born. Despite this distinction in manner of birth, Leda gestated/brooded multiple "pairs" of children, so Castor and Pollux are an example.]
Nah...kira-kira begitulah penjelasannya, untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan menggunjungi sendiri situs yang jadi sumber referensi tulisan ini
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